Birth Class Series


3 part series held Tuesday’s 6-8pm. The goal is to create an environment where expectant parents feel prepared, supported, and in control during this significant life event.

1. Childbirth Education:

Understanding Labor: Detailed information on the stages of labor, what to expect, and how to recognize signs of progression.

Labor Positions: Guidance on various labor positions and techniques for comfort and optimal fetal positioning.

Breathing Techniques: Teaching specific breathing techniques to manage pain and stress during labor.

2. Pain Management Strategies:

Natural Pain Relief Methods: Exploring non-pharmacological methods like massage, hydrotherapy, and visualization.

Medical Pain Relief Options: Information on medical interventions like IV medications and epidurals; review their potential benefits and risks (in-hospital options). Nitrous oxide option, offered in the birth center setting

3. Birth Environment and Support:

Creating a Birth Plan: Assisting in the development of a birth plan that aligns with personal preferences.

Partner’s Role: Guidance for birthing partners on how to provide effective support during labor.

Comfort Measures: Techniques to create a comfortable and calming birth environment.

4. Newborn Care:

Immediate Postpartum Period: Information on what to expect right after birth and the initial moments with the newborn.

Breastfeeding Support: Basic breastfeeding techniques and troubleshooting common challenges.

Newborn Procedures: Understanding common procedures performed on newborns and making informed decisions.

5. Emotional and Psychological Well-Being:

Coping with Anxiety and Fear: Strategies for managing anxiety and fear associated with childbirth.

Building Confidence: Empowering confidence and fostering a positive mindset and proactive attitude towards childbirth.

6. Postpartum Planning:

Postpartum Recovery: Information on physical and emotional recovery in the postpartum period.

Postpartum Support: Identifying sources of support and community resources available during the postpartum period.

7. Medical Interventions and Informed Decision-Making:

Understanding Interventions: Information on common medical interventions during labor and childbirth.

Informed Decision-Making: Empowering individuals to make informed choices about their birthing experience.

8. Community and Resources:

Connecting with Local Resources: Providing information about local community resources, support groups, and postpartum services.

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1. You’re pregnant, now what? Managing pregnancy discomforts, nutritional guidelines, self-care: physical, emotional and mental well-being

2. Preparing for labor and childbirth: partner support, coping strategies, and comfort measures

3. Planning for the 4th trimester: postpartum care, newborn care, breastfeeding and more